Consolidation Corner
- 401k Cash Outs
- 401k Consolidation
- 401k Plan Termination
- America's Mobile Workforce
- Assisted Roll-in
- Auto Enrollment
- Auto Portability
- Auto Portability Simulation
- Automatic Roll-In
- Automatic Rollover
- Automatic Rollovers
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- DIY Roll-In
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- Missing Participants
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- retirement research
- Retirement Savings Consolidation
- Retirement Savings Portability
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- Uncashed Distribution Checks
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- What is a Missing Participant?
Automatic Rollovers (2)
Consolidation Corner Blog
Consolidation Corner is the Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) blog, and features the latest articles and bylines from our executives, addressing important retirement savings portability topics.
Why Missing Participants Are So Misunderstood
Winston Churchill, once referring to the intentions of the former Soviet Union, stated: “it is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” For 401(k) plan sponsors, that’s an apt description for the problem of missing participants.
Re-Thinking the Automatic Rollover IRA
Selecting an automatic rollover IRA provider used to be easy.
Most 401(k) plan sponsors simply accepted the solution offered through their recordkeeper or TPA. Others performed due diligence, using a limited set of criteria including basic fees, investment options and accountholder service.
401(k) Portability in Four Movements
Over the past 15 years, a very large (250,000+ participants) 401(k) plan sponsor that our company has had the opportunity to serve has been highly successful in delivering improved participant outcomes by incrementally adopting a full program of retirement savings portability.
Were the plan’s experience set to music, it could be described as “401(k) Portability in Four Movements” – opening with discordant levels of cashout leakage but quickly building towards more satisfying participant outcomes, including substantial improvements in the preservation and consolidation of retirement savings.
Consolidation is Vital to Reducing 401(k) Cybersecurity Risk
With $10 trillion in 401(k) and other defined contribution retirement assets to safeguard, retirement industry regulators are intensely focused on the issue of cybersecurity.
The latest developments signifying regulatory resolve include enforcement actions by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), who in August 2021 sanctioned 8 firms in three separate actions (links here, here and here), for failing to have cybersecurity policies and procedures in place, potentially leading to compromised private client data.
Towards a Sustainable and “Greener” 401(k) System
“America’s retirement system is sustainable” said no one, ever.
That’s the basis for my somewhat cynical reaction to a February 14th, 2022, Request for Information (RFI) issued by the DOL’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA). The RFI (Request for Information on Possible Agency Actions to Protect Life Savings and Pensions from Threats of Climate-Related Financial Risk) was issued pursuant to a May 20th, 2021 Executive Order, and asks respondents to identify climate change related threats to “the life savings and pensions of U.S. workers and families.”
Auto Portability Featured in ERISA Advisory Council Report
I’m old enough to remember a time when auto portability was a concept, scarcely worthy of serious attention by practically anyone except a few zealots with an idea.
A Brief History of Auto Portability
Auto portability is a new “automatic” plan feature rapidly gaining acceptance by large defined contribution recordkeepers. While the feature is relatively new, it’s tempting to view auto portability as an “overnight success.” In fact, auto portability has been a long time in the making. In the article and in the embedded video below, please enjoy a “brief history” of auto portability.
The Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability
Auto portability is a new “automatic” plan feature that is rapidly gaining acceptance by large defined contribution recordkeepers serving almost 10 million participants. While the feature is relatively new, it has received a great deal of attention in the media and has also been the beneficiary of definitive regulatory guidance, promulgated by the Department of Labor (DOL).
Five Misconceptions About Automatic Rollovers
Most agree – automatic rollover programs can help plan sponsors deal with problems associated with small-balance accounts, including:
- High levels of missing participants
- Increased administrative costs and workload
- Increased recordkeeping fees
- Lower average account balances
So Happy Together: Auto Portability & Authorized Portability
When auto portability becomes ubiquitous in America’s 401(k) system, it will herald 100% fully automated, end-to-end portability for all small-balance job-changers.
- 401k Cash Outs
- 401k Consolidation
- 401k Plan Termination
- America's Mobile Workforce
- Assisted Roll-in
- Auto Enrollment
- Auto Portability
- Auto Portability Simulation
- Automatic Roll-In
- Automatic Rollover
- Automatic Rollovers
- Boston Research Technologies
- CARES act
- Common Mistakes
- DIY Roll-In
- DOL Advisory Opinion
- Employee Benefit News
- ERISA Advisory Council
- Financial Services Roundtable
- Financial Wellness
- How-To
- In-Plan Consolidation
- Leakage
- Lifetime Plan Participation
- Lost Participants
- Managed Portability
- Mandatory Distributions
- MarketWatch
- Missing Participant IRA
- Missing Participants
- National Retirement Savings Cash Out Clock
- Participant Transition Management
- Portability Services Network
- Public Policy
- RCH Services
- Retirement Income
- Retirement Plan Portability
- retirement research
- Retirement Savings Consolidation
- Retirement Savings Portability
- Roll-In
- Safe Harbor IRA
- Saver's Match
- Security
- Small Accounts
- Stale Dated Checks
- Synthetic Tenure
- Uncashed Check Services
- Uncashed Distribution Checks
- Video
- Webcast
- What is a Missing Participant?